He is the Creator of everything that exists. God is unique among all His creation, completely set apart, and in a category of existence all to Himself. Everything He does is right and every judgment He makes is correct. He is morally perfect and incapable of sin. God dwells in Heaven, where no human has ever gone, and sovereignly rules the universe from His majestic throne. He is gracious, compassionate, rich in mercy, slow to anger, faithful through generations, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth. He forgives sin, yet will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. God is good and He is worthy of humanity's worship. He deserves our obedience and adoration because of how awesome He is.
God's law, The Ten Commandments, reveal that men are not righteous like God. Ask yourself some of these questions. How many lies have you told in your life? How many things have you stolen? Have you ever used God's Name in vain? Jesus said "Whoever looks with lust, commits adultery in their heart." If you're honest with yourself, you'll find that you aren't a good person. You're just like the rest of us. You're a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart; and that's only 4 of the 10 Commandments! God's indictment against humanity is that we have willfully ignored His majesty, refused to give Him thanks for creation, and purposefully broken His law. By nature, men CAN'T do what is right and seek after God because they rebelliously WON'T do what is right and seek after God. God, justifiably, has given the death sentence to all of humanity for our sinful deeds and our hatred toward Him. Every time we sin, we store up His wrath that will be revealed on judgement day.
God is rich is mercy and willing that none perish. God loved the world in this way... He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to save sinful humanity. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and then died the death that we deserved on a cross, even though He didn't deserve it. Humanity deserves God's justice and has eagerly earned His wrath, but on that cross where Christ willingly died, God poured out all of the anger and punishment that we deserved on His perfect Son instead.
God is our Judge. We broke His law. Jesus paid our fine. That means, we can walk out of God's courtroom on judgment day acquitted because our fine was paid for by another. Two days after He died, Jesus rose from the dead, according to what was prophesied about Him thousands of years earlier, and then ascended back into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God until the day He returns to earth to judge everyone that has ever existed.
God commands all people everywhere to repent and believe this gospel; that is, to turn from their sin and trust alone in the person and sacrificial work of Jesus Christ. God's promise to everyone who calls on the name of the Lord in this way is this... He will forgive your sin, make you a brand new person on the inside so that you hate the sin you once loved and love the God you once hated, and He will give you the free gift of everlasting life. Everyone who believes in Jesus and confesses Him as Lord will live with Him on a brand new earth, eternally enjoying the beauty, majesty and glory of Christ with no more pain, sin, or death. Everyone who does not believe this gospel and rejects the Son of God is condemned already to an eternity of torment in a lake that burns with fire along with the devil and his angels.
If you believe God has done something extraordinary in your heart while reading this, we want to know! If you feel broken over your sin and a desire to know Jesus, that is a sure indicator that God is calling you to Himself! First, finish talking to God. After you're done, CONTACT US so we can hear about what God has done for you and share in your new-found joy!
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